Feb and March Recap : Of Resurrection from the dead


Hey good people. How are you holding up on this side of life? The initial question I had asked was more personal but my head won’t let me. I instinctively just edited it because you see, very few people are willing to be vulnerable, and emotions aren’t a thing they do “give aways” for.
But how is everyone here…..how I missed here, words won’t say.
It’s been a minute. Loosely translated : it’s been forever. I am out of words of apology because I have been rehearsing on how to break this silence since wakanda became reality. The idea of calling this a monthly recap blog post alone took a lot of courage.
I have been somewhere in between book pages and reality. I had to do mid semester exams that took me close to a month to prepare, do and get over that post exam mood. Do (did) you guys give yourselves that three to four day post exam holiday? If not how do you go about it?
We have never had to deal with the technicalities of doing a recap for two months. I honestly don’t know how to but the Ninja in me believes nothing is impossible, so here goes.


February and March for me were very similar. It actually beats my mind how we are only going into April because the kind of sunshine and rain I have had these past two months is what a person should have spread through twelve months. Also I am not an umbrella or raincoat person so these extremes never rub me well.
These past weeks have been a battalion of lessons, a mini Quantico of the mind. I have been in that place where you train your mind to learn and unlearn things. I mentioned having kindness to self as a priority this year, well. You guys should see how I have gone through my drills. Some days the “militant Fiona” just shows up to tell me how behind schedule we are (which in this case was very true, by the way)  and the schooled Fiona has to remind her that beating up oneself never got nothing done.
The melodrama has been real.


Also, God has been teaching me weird lessons this month, the greatest being REST. That was the look on my face too when the lesson plan arrived. In my head I  felt like the most rested person because, I don’t have panic attacks, anxiety, or anything that tags at my physical peace. I have been learning to rest in who I am and whose I am. To understand that “If Christ is my life the my end can only be in him”
This is by far the best weight gain formula (wait did I mention that I have been through jugs of yoghurt to maintain this weight during those hyper days). I have such peace, such confidence that whatever comes my way got nothing on it. It’s like a child knowing that each time their father throws them up, he’ll catch them.

I have also been on a crazy reading spree the past few weeks. We bless the Lord for friends that “keeps” blessing a girl with beautiful African literature. Oh girl the line up of books for review on the blog (especially my current read) is so gangster and cool, just get dressed for the party.

Also tomorrow is Easter, one of my favorite holidays. It’s like a mini Christmas in my part of life. I am almost tempted to share my Easter tradition here, but that is definitely a story for another day. Our Easter plan here at tales of a curious mind will consist of a few poems that I will be sharing on instagram and facebook (links to both are at the bottom of this post).


God Lord, I don’t feel like putting down my pen (technically my thumb) but we’ve got to go start on the Easter eggs. Thank you beautiful people for being such an awesome audience and for always sparing your time to read here, I can’t explain what I feel for you. What are your plans for Easter? Please share in the comment section (also like comment and share).
If you are visiting here for the first time, do let me know so that we build you a cute cottage somewhere on this blogland.
Happy New Month beloved

Bellows of Love

©Tales of a curious mind

6 thoughts on “Feb and March Recap : Of Resurrection from the dead

    1. Whoop whoop
      Thank you for passing by
      Welcome to the party!!!!
      We are a blog land of diversity
      Some days its lifestyle
      Others poetry, book Reviews etc

      Feel at tales of a curious mind💜

      Thank you for reading


    1. Hey Samantha
      You should see the smile on my face right now
      Oh gal
      Thank you for reading here and joining our little family

      How do you prefer your cottages?
      Poetic or (insert preference)…. Lol 😂
      Thank you for passing by

      Liked by 1 person

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